People have a natural tendency (convenience) to use a single large product.
A kind of basic natural monopolization. Just because sometimes it’s more convenient when everyone knows one thing, for example in communications.
In this context, sometimes it is good not to overthink diversity, but to make that single product available to the majority, but most importantly open and free. It can be protocols.
In general, the main thing here is the mass of passive people, not so much a dangerous the authoritarian approach in imposing, but a mass of immoral people, passively following the orders of their superiors.
Loosen up style of creator action in music production (or other art) for example when you are relaxed and you don’t care about anything, you kind of allow yourself more…. that kind of music sounds more interesting and deeper, but there’s more marriage among it.
I recently came across one of my older works, from 2018 or so, I haven’t listened to it for years, And I found it very interesting, just an example of the above – uncontrolled experimentation
These are all two radical directions, like left and right in politics, like black and white in color, like plus and minus in essence. Reckless uncontrolled inwardly relaxed outwardly tense and ordered under-harmony taut, inwardly tense and outwardly smooth…
As an example of the second one, I’m thinking of a recent work:
Strictly by math harmony, scales, notes, by canons, by chords, aligned, rigid inside.
Finally, after many months of preparation, I’ve released three monumental albums/compilations of the best tracks I’ve ever made, in the three main spectrums of music: high-tempo, low-tempo, and no-tempo.
Initially the album names and covers included the years 2010-2023, but then I changed my mind and decided to let these albums be “live-periodically-updated”, so I’ll be putting some additional fresh greatest tracks there every year or so.
I’ve been making music since 2009 and I work hard for the quality. Music is one of the best things in life, absolutely real spiritual experience, it is a language with gods.
The development of progress is a total accumulation of fortunate circumstances. The lucky events endure.
It is additionally filtered by life at a distance – the lucky villains and fools lose in the end, as well as all their legacy. Only what is not only fortunate but universally, humanistically optimal for people remains.
Just mechanically, technically, people are the key elements of progress. What is efficient for them is efficient for the prosperity.
As a potential consequence, in the distant future, there may emerge a singular, unified essence of auspicious circumstances. This represents the primary objective of life: to transcend the existing order and construct a new, perfect one.
It is always better to try to see all possible sides and not to allow oneself to concentrate on one, even if emotionally it seems more correct… Our brains are full of delusions and by nature a master of making up rationalizations for everything – even for what it doesn’t understand, what it doesn’t see.
As an example, evil, greed… what we used to see as bad, has different sides, – soil, food, slaves of evil – passive, lazy people… Evil as if it doesn’t even crawl in often and just tests the people, a little bit, here a small nasty thing, there – the common man eats it, evil grows. And what evil is there, if they themselves agree?..
At this point in time, under the given conventions of our development, death is a good thing.
I realize we are still limited as a species, as minds, and in spite of having the capacity for higher intelligence, we are still primitive, and most of us are fools and bastards. It would be impossible to endure the routine of it all indefinitely…. death is necessary. Maybe like so many other things? But not everything. The universe strives for perfection but many errors occur. Like, why do we need wisdom teeth? Rudiments happen…
I’m ready to die at any moment so I’m not afraid of losing anything.
The realization of mortality makes life better. Life is like a video game, no matter what bad things happen, I am ready to play, and ready to turn it off in a very extreme case, that’s easy, in any case it has an end. Realizing the finality of my existence helps me appreciate time.
Ah, but how skillfully the corporations managed to outsmart the people by taking away control over their own devices, all under the guise of so called ‘security.’ If androids can still be brought back to life, unlocked, and given rights, then iPhones are in a terrible state – but it’s not surprising, after all, Apple is the worst. A golden cage of post-capitalist anti-utopia of digital serfdom.
Most people are indeed weakly free, but that doesn’t mean they should be kept de facto as such. That is, if people are treated as idiots, assuming they are supposedly incapable of anything, a significant part may indeed tend towards idiocy – but not because people are actually idiots (in fact, Homo sapiens as a species are quite intelligent), but simply because current social and evolutionary settings imply that it’s easier for ordinary people to go with the flow (what’s given is given). And consequently, if people are perceived as feeble-minded, they may indeed become so. It’s generally harmful, such an approach… But the reverse is also true, if people are accepted and respected on a basic level, then they will become even better people
Out of the two extremes – absolute control (based on the premise that ‘most people are bad, harmful, and feeble-minded’) and absolute freedom (‘let people be, and let them digest mistakes’), I choose absolute freedom.
Yes, restrictions are important to some extent – because what to do with fools…
But the path of restrictions leads nowhere.
While the path of freedom opens up variability, optionality, but there are still chances that fools in a free environment will be filtered differently, become wiser.
You can’t say that one extreme is better than the other. But there should still be as much freedom as possible, the ratio in the ordinary context – well, around 80 to 20 for sure…
We need to understand that restrictions generally is a very specific way on the perspectives of complex system development, not even on a minimal scale – a personal. By strictly prohibiting everything between elements there, you won’t progress much, usuallu it works better with a free, good understanding and love to the highest value for quality. Open will works better than a closed one.
Greedy cold capitalist monsters, overgrowths of corporations – don’t really think about security, restricting full access to smartphones or burdening the system every month with countless updates-bugs. They only think about how to make more money off the users-fools. More money is a rotten element of capitalism, leading to decay. In general, avoid large corporations as much as possible, actively seek and cultivate independence, freedom
It’s not the place that beautifies the man, it’s the man who beautifies the place.
The same can be said of destiny.
It’s not destiny that beautifies a man or a fortune, it’s the person who beautifies the destiny.
If a person is nice, deep mind, handsome and interesting, truly open and humanistic, then even poverty, even a hard struggle is good for the image of that person – it makes the reflection charming.
The progress is not only in comfort but also suffering and in its overcoming… sometimes evolution is a response to worsening conditions.
Have you ever noticed that in images the hero is beautiful and noble, even though he suffers and is poor and struggles, he does not become less beautiful, but even becomes more lovely?
The world is a very complex, messy and spontaneous place.
We’re human beings, and in our society and our systems of living, it’s even more complicated.
There’s randomness everywhere. Very, very much depends on luck… the wilder we are, the more our system and distribution depends on chance.
But this comes from an observer perspective only. How about a wider view?
To see not magic powerful evil, but confused, twisted, complex systems. Evil is pure human, a cheeky ignorance… that primarily the weakness of an element of a complex, entangled system, not something special. In general, the human world in general is very complex and complicated – it is a real challenge for us as a species to realize and process it all
An attractive inquiry is how perceptible and resynthesizable is the awareness of the complexity of our systems for entities wider than the system – that is, roughly speaking, if we see our world as complex, how could it be seen by say a god or a hyperhuman, an Übermensch…? Such thought experiments help to give some perspective and scales to the recognized
Or is complexity complicated in any case? Definitely not – because if something seems extremely complex to a child, say, the Internet or television, it doesn’t seem so to an educated adult. It depends on the level and breadth of awareness of the phenomenon, representation of it.
However, in any case – keep your mind clear. If the world is complex, systems are complicated, if you know it all and understand the flaws of the elements of entanglement, the immaturity of individual components, if you see and understand it all, you are calm in any case. Just let it be, let it test itself.
In the age of ai and generative tech, creating stylistic craft art has become meaningless – meaning – that is, meaningfulness, the necessity of the common purpose.
Art as development, as play, is one thing: teaching, therapeutic…
The other is the art of the genuine, cognitive plan, when as a researcher of feelings and spectra of the mind you study the paths of the new, the perspective, and synthesize the beautiful… such activity, although it includes particles of the previously (education, therapeutic) mentioned, in the light of the new era, transforms and mutates into something even more narrowly specialized.
In the fields of pure art one should work more deeply, more ideologically, more sensually. That is, to experiment, to work with feeling and ideas… conceptually.
All these “I’ll draw in the style of…”, for example in the style of classical or abstractionism, or make jazz…. – that’s fine if you’re a kid in school or a bored post-traumatic adult. But if you are a real artist, a creator, especially a skilled, experienced, an advanced sensory machine of reflection and synthesis, you can waste time if you procrastinate with craft.
Craft, all routine, tends to be simplified, digested by automation. It’s a middle-management niche and below. . . All labor has a property to automation, and the simpler the labor, the sooner it is automated.
But how can you automate sports, like soccer, or art, for example? it’s human, too human. Routine, patter, background, craft is automated. The genius of the human shines beyond mundane goals.
For basic consumption, background listening, arrangement of cafe walls and all sorts of things – generators generate patterns. In short that is background.
But the machine can’t feel, can’t understand the depth of the human being. Tomorrow’s real creators need to feel the cutting edge of the new, pure feeling and experimentation. To take off this bounds of dry stylistics and bread-and-butter. The brains of the best people will still be the clear best beacon and light for other people’s brains – that is, proximity.
The cult of youth is everywhere today, I don’t accept it.
Young people are mostly inexperienced, undeveloped, some are clearly stupid.
Maybe this is reflexive of trends in capitalism, economics and society? “Pour energy recklessly! who cares about the consequences and perspective, pocket the money while it’s lying around”.
Thirty / forty+ is the ideal age in which the true essence of a person already has time to manifest itself… After all, the young – they are often more universal-basic to see them more accurately.
Gain experience, knowledge, because this is the most important thing in a person – the brain.
Personally, inside (and maybe socially, outside too) it is always better to distill the negativity abstractly, disperse it – because it tends to concentrate into a point, thus intensifying.
And the main thing here, causing harm to you first of all, not to the object of hatred…In any situation, keep calm reasoning. How to disperse? Look more broadly at the situation, for example.
In dialectically opposite argumentation, one can assert that negativity and hatred ought to help to strengthen the power of response to evil…Sounds almost logically correct, but this tends to be an illusion.
The power that negativity gives is weak in its perspective and controllability, in other words, even in a situation where hatred or negativity is supposed to bring benefit, it does not bring it, because according to the characteristics of the system, excited by the unpleasantness of negativity, becomes weaker – it loses control and distance of response.
And what prevents from gathering the same power, but without the negativity, by laughing and destroying?
A vivid response can be not negativity, but a bright wit, a calm and decisive demolition.