• Positive Mindset

    In life… I try not to stuff my head with things like ‘must’, ‘absolutely, obliged, do it’… such things don’t work well. It’s better to think ‘this is interesting’, ‘this could be nice’, ‘anyway, I’ll have to do something during my day; after all, infinite pleasure can be a disaster”

    Comments: Positive Mindset
  • Thoughts on quality

    Quality… it necessarily comes with experience, without good experience behind there is no good quality in front.

    Top quality is something that has been learned and touched many times, and it’s also always honest – honest here means quality for quality’s sake.

    Comments: Thoughts on quality
  • The Mirage of Variety

    There exists something known as the mirage of variety, where a person strives to obtain everything – tasting all the dishes, pursuing all romantic interests, visiting all countries, listening to every track, acquiring all the movies, and so on. To begin with, for real – it becomes boring quickly, one can’t experience everything, it’s same the same after all, resulting in a waste of time. Instead, focus on the essence. A human being is not a machine for experiencing tastes. A variety of experiences is important, but even more crucial is critical thinking about what’s happening, the path you’re on, and your ultimate destination. The human mind and time are both limited.

    Comments: The Mirage of Variety
  • Oldschool

    It’s okay to look back and take the best ideas as prototypes for the new. This concept embodies the Renaissance, an infinite eternal return, and self-sustenance – reliable and proven mechanisms of evolution.

    We can observe these principles in culture, in mother nature, and in our state of being. I’m primarily referring to culture, but technology is also relevant.

    The very new, such as modern pop music or social networks as we once knew them, may have reached a dead end or started off as problematic, only gaining popularity through propaganda or a misplaced emphasis on profits over quality.

    It’s valuable to look back, extract the best, use it as base for next generations.

    Comments: Oldschool
  • Untitled

    Don’t believe anyone on the internet today; do not let your emotions take over the reason. Always double-check facts and sources. There is so much misinformation everywhere these days.

    In this modern internet-driven world, we face the dark age of information overload, resource mismanagement, supersaturated ignorance, and greed. Why is this happening? It’s simple: we lack bright minds and genius people in politics. While we’ve made remarkable progress in science, art, and business, politics remains in crisis, yet it’s still a crucial field. Politics is key important thing for the balance of society, management of information and resources flows, rules.

    Comments: Untitled
  • Nice Groove


    Comments: Nice Groove
  • Edges

    There must be an edge… otherwise it’s difficult to catch on to the essence (ideas, products, everything)

    Limitations are an amplifier of creative power, not only on the part of the creator but also on the part of the consumer.

    Always be aware of the limits and edges everywhere.

    Comments: Edges
  • Cultural Code Determines Ways of Life

    Just as DNA directs the essence of an object’s physical development, the cultural code with which an individual is programmed determines their destiny or the destiny of a whole group. A barbaric cultural code leads to decay and suffering. The brain can reprogram itself with other, better codes; a clean ‘freedom’ environment helps reprogram bad elements faster.

    Picture by tumblr.com/nthercyte
    Comments: Cultural Code Determines Ways of Life
  • Contemporary jazz

    Jazz can be not only vintage and classic (78rpm.archive.org collection, for example) but also purely modern (a radio stream link to check).

    Not jazzy beats, not barely listenable avant-garde, – real jazz as we used to get it, but modern. The first thing that comes to mind is a straight beat there, more solid, bright groove, but still a lot of sax/piano improvisations come as the main ingredient though.

    Comments: Contemporary jazz
  • Creators, Be Aware

    Artist, painter, musician… Your job is not only to create but also to suffer, to gain a perspective from all angles of existence, to tell the truths of life. A glamorous creator evokes a feeling of deep repugnance… as much as any money-grubbing idiot does; what can they truly tell the world, what benefits can they bring? Showy luxury seems like a thing of resentment to me, both in terms of input and output

    Personally, I feel okay and am thankful to fate for various hard trials, including the lack of fame. It gives me more strength to work harder, to remain original and true, and to live a happier, deeper, more balanced life.

    Comments: Creators, Be Aware
  • 99c

    Such activity as music does not necessarily mean the scope of market needs, often it is just a hobby, “a talk with god”, but it happens that people manipulate it to gain sales. Anyway, the market is just a representation of people’s needs. The monetary system as we have it today is evil and very inefficient, one day we will obsolete it in favor of other open exchange formats, but still, as long as we see music to be a product to fill needs, it can be distributed in different ways.

    Remember simple formula: bad music is music that was made without pure audio pleasure inspiration.

    Comments: 99c
  • Impermanence

    Be ready to lose everything. Nothing physical truly belongs to us; it’s all just temporary rent. Only your mind and your time are yours

    Comments: Impermanence
  • Social Polarization++

    The world of people is actively polarizing due to the new internet age and overall globalization. We still have many significant battles ahead: barbarians against smart and cultured, daring assholes against those who understand, evil against good. Remember a simple formula: what is evil? – insolent ignorance.

    There are no doubts that good will win; it is just sharper, but blood will be shed, stupid people must pay the price. Don’t think your cozy little civilized place is protected, nothing is stable, whole earth is same for all. Be ready to fight, prepare your ideals, it is okay to die and there is no fear when you know you are the truth; the world is in flux.

    Comments: Social Polarization++
  • Oversaturation

    A new phenomenon of the “post-Internet” era – hypertrophied mass consciousness, mass psychosis, deliberately fueled hysteria

    Comments: Oversaturation
  • Dark ages

    Politics today is a middlemen’s zone, smart goes to art or science, mid-range minds go to politics mostly; typically – activists, cops, money-makers… you will rarely meet genius people there, but usually just some lucky mediocre. Don’t mind exceptions, of course.

    Sure that’s got reasons behind it, today’s politics seems to be a dull field full of dirt to sort through.

    Would be great if we could somehow direct the best minds there, because so many things depend on politics, including phenomenons of masses manipulation, big resources delegation, laws making, etc.

    Comments: Dark ages
  • Сriticism tone

    People who throw dirt criticism on everything are usually self-affirming… but it’s a bad tone, an unfaithful approach.

    Be beautiful and accurate, discuss/criticize carefully, clearly expressing understanding and openness to the other sides that may be unknown or misunderstood to you.

    Anything else, don’t blindly pour buckets of criticism, but try to understand the essence and talk about it from all sides.

    Let’s take an example, while being on a side of blind self-affirming critics, it is most convenient to take a “pose” and call today’s AI chatbots a bullshit product, but it is more correct to take both sides dialectically and in addition mention that “Well, guys have created an interesting technology: in general, the results are worthy of attention, but yes it’s still quite young, and there is much excessive mass psychosis around it, empty hype, and the technology is still far from anything revolutionary” – just as an example

    Of course there are cases where nothing but bad things can be said, but still, watch your tone of criticism.

    Abstract Composition II, via: spacecamp1
    Comments: Сriticism tone
  • If I am tired

    If I’m tired – I go for sleep or quality books, maybe a good wise blog or music, or a quiet walk, or a lunch of simple natural foods like vegetables and cereals, these are the things that really help.

    Especially sleep and rest, just lying down and doing nothing, – such a rest provides so much energy… just do nothing, absolutely nothing. And no no no to any mass media or social networks, no to news, no sugar, no drugs, all these only makes things worse.

    Comments: If I am tired
  • There is no justice by default, don’t wait for it, fight for the better today

    There is no justice in the world and don’t try to wait for it, sometimes the worst scumbags get everything and the best people suffer, be prepared for the worst, be ready for the fight to get that justice by yourself, nature is not giving it as a served dish by default.

    And by the way, suffering in itself is not so bad, it develops us. Stagnation, stupidity and insolence – these are the really bad things.

    Act according to the situation and honestly, so that for the better and not just for the better from your stupidity.

    Objective quality criteria is the measure.

    Comments: There is no justice by default, don’t wait for it, fight for the better today
  • Do I really need to know that?

    Some knowledge, while factually correct, is essentially useless.

    For example, do I really need to know all that wide range of small political facts? Some information is not needed.

    Of course it’s good to know everything, but what about the capacity of the receiver? Our memory and emotional battery ain’t infinitely elastic. That’s why I don’t spend time reading newspapers and social networks, only the best quality essentials and in very little amount.

    Also, imagination, emptiness… so important for the mind, let it be.

    Comments: Do I really need to know that?

    Good quality minimalism design only seems so be simple, the effort and time spent on it is sometimes is much more than they put on tricked and complex things out there.

  • Touch of time

    Old things got touch of time on them. Even our memories… we like that.

    Comments: Touch of time
  • The product of music, analysis. Hierarchy there as I see it

    1) Melody and chords. The top and the highest thing to achieve is a melody, it is the best and most complex element, it directly influences our feelings.

    2) Sound. The next and very close to the first is the sound, for example the type of a synthesizer or an instrument, and its characteristics, the interest of sound and its wave, flow.

    3) Rhythm. Drums, crackles, percussion, things, their structure; rhythms is the heart; we are also naturally interested in the sound presentation of it.

    4) Arrangement, production, composition timeline structure. Breaks and interruptions, timeline’s ideas, in short – how the flow of melodies, sounds and rhythms is organized together. Including mastering and processing, effects.

    5) Design, idea, presentation of the music. Names, album art covers, design, how it is presented to public in general.

    Comments: The product of music, analysis. Hierarchy there as I see it
  • Life is a fight

    Let us have no illusions, war is close to the natural state of man, in other words – we all have to deal with bad, life is a state of fight, either you solve yourself and your own complexity, or world around you, you can get many random scenarios during your path. War, fight, it’s dirty, but it is natural in terms of overall competition of beauty/freedom formation.

    Weak and dirty attack prosperous, unfree attack free, resentment drives aggression… prosperous and reasonable rarely attack first, but it should be understood that a bad neighbors (extrapolate to the whole earth as well…) – sooner or later you will have to deal with them.

    Personally, I am always ready for a battle, always ready for the worst, to attack or respond immediately, always ready to die, to fight the enemies – life is not a sugar sweet, it is a complicated thing. Life is good, but our society is complex, never balanced… So much dark in the world, you have to be ready. But in general I stick to the principle of not attacking first, enjoying life anyway. and I am not afraid of all that, life is good and death is good too.

    Comments: Life is a fight