
“Letters to myself”

A philosophical blog about everything

Ethics, aesthetics, society, technology, life, cosmos

  • ASSORTED: Various short thoughts and quotes:

    Aesthetic study: self-identification and merging with things, the image is transcribed onto the screen of reality.

    “Never share personal stuff with anyone except your spouse maybe. Especially work people. You are going to find 1 maybe 3 people in your entire life you can really trust.” – Random comment from The Internet

    He was accustomed to dealing with soldiers and civil servants, whose job is to obey orders.” – T.Chiang, “Understand”

    Where there is power, there is the potential for fascism. A healthy system – decentralization; complex systems… better to have frequent small disturbances and regular training than long periods of pseudo-stability punctuated by infrequent but significantly challenging disruptions.

    “Moreover – he surmised that it’s not the most skillful, intelligent, or brave who succeed in life. Rather – quite the opposite. The one who wins is skillful. The one who triumphs is brave…” – S.Dovlatov

    If are about to be a genius and you have anything else to do besides work, that means you may need to change your job.

    “Arabs have an expression about clear prose: to understand it, no skills are needed; to compose it, true mastery is required.” – N.Taleb

    Smells – works same as music’s memories… melody is a molecule.

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  • On suffering

    To suffer is useful and normal, especially intellectually – overcoming the difficulties life presents – makes one stronger… well, to a limited extent, of course, not to the point of breaking.

    Difficulties and suffering to an intellectual – especially a creator of something new or a potential leader, not an “analyst-and-data-collector-scientist-or-low-level-manager-politician” – are like training for an athlete.

    Stress is a transmitter of potentially useful information. Especially artists, creators, even politicians – should understand life from all angles… they will always be higher and deeper, those who have experienced different conditions, who have suffered, rather than those raised in sterile space: surprise but they are inclined to distortion, corruption, and decay more than “sheltered” and well forged “suffered” individuals.

    It’s the matter to have a zeal of will to intellect and a correctly placed philosophy of life, to truly become stronger in difficulties and stressors, rather than being spoiled and decomposed. What you appreciate and potentially love – the values and virtues, act like a compass to orient you.

    You shouldn’t seek suffering for the sake of suffering, but you shouldn’t fear it either – you should go into battle and suffer “as it as,” – take it, it will be beneficial, just don’t be a fool and don’t engage in a false, empty, and deceived battle – only if it’s for the real ideals and values – for freedom, for example, or real development and progress, for the better, for universal.
    It’s sad to see fools who blindly follow orders from superiors without understanding what’s what.

    It so happens that some people are extremely inert – just drifting with the current… But nonetheless, we are all brothers – there is no monkeys between people, we all interconnected and, that’s why the duty of those who have understood everything correctly, like the “smart and best ones,” is not to abandon the masses (like a snob, bulding your personality upon illusion “superiority” upon other) but to work with them, to guide people if you got brain, money, taste, experience. Otherwise, it will be bad for everyone.

    And don’t forget that suffering is individual on the landscape of personality, COMPASSION is already a false path – I’ll repeat, there’s no need to multiply suffering for the sake of suffering – you just need to understand it and move forward. People who thrive on this are not okay. Friedrich Nietzsche had a critical perspective on compassion, often viewing it as a weakness rather than a virtue. He believed that compassion, particularly when it leads to pity or sympathy for others’ suffering, could undermine individual strength and resilience. Nietzsche saw compassion as a manifestation of slave morality, where the weak seek to bring down the strong by appealing to shared suffering.

    Understand suffering, actively fight against it, personally grow upon that, but don’t share it.

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  • “My life my rules :-)”

    Eat small portions.

    Work smart not hard.

    Work everyday, whenever possible. Enjoy real rest like sleeping or sport when tired.

    Consume less. Boycott big corporations whenever possible.

    Spent more energy on quality work and ruthlessly cut unnecessary.

    Gentle your tone. Talk, walk softly.

    Take your time, you don’t know and can’t know what will happen tomorrow – enjoy today.

    Build and prepare concepts in your head, act as a programmer of your mind, use tricks. If it’s bitter and uncomfortable, but impossible to avoid – reorganize your mind, find ways to take something from it, adapt.

    The only thing to fear is fear itself – be ready to die any moment, life is hard, fighting is natural do not be afraid, risk is everywhere, don’t allow dumb folks to trash around – ideologically; protect good things.

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  • Dead End

    “Do everything for money profit” is a flawed idea. Good products die from it. The capitalist system as we know it today is a failure and a dead end.
    Better to focus on high quality, simplicity and clarity, universal utility; the money will come by itself then… because what is money – an abstraction of other people’s energy.

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  • Хочу знать

    It’s an illusion: “the more you get the more you get”; how about the processing itself? The best things are elegant and simple, well made, not always shallow or stingy – can be voluminous, large, but always stylish and nice, having their own essence, the depth.

    “sx16 – AM DJT (2017)” – one of the most mysterious mittnetworkmusic albums

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  • Fear of death and Greed

    Humanity’s two biggest, fatal misconceptions so far are:

    1. Fear of death
    (In truth, dying is easy, and death helps us live better, without fearing mistakes, especially when we’ve lived honestly and without greed)

    2. Greed
    (What’s the point of consuming so much? You’ll die anyway… and don’t forget that we’re just fruits on the tree, not the essence itself. In the vast universe, there’s an abundance of energy, enough molecules for everyone; better re-concentrate greedy energy on simplicity and true universal usefulness and wisdom)

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  • Crap Tech

    Don’t use anything from Apple; they sell poor-quality stuff and do bad things. They hide their closed system greedy proprietary code in a fancy wrapper, not to help you or make the world better, but just to get money, no ethics; without thinking about our perspective as a human species – a common value.
    They don’t care about real privacy and rights, openness, virtue, humanity future prospects, or doing what they should as a good service provider – all that means nothing to them. They trick people with lies and false hype, pretending to be good while actually being very bad: taking monopoly control of markets and making closed systems that are not good, playing hidden games with dictatorships and (digital) slavery, forcing wrong directions for tech in general. In short, they’re a problem.

    Intelligent people avoid any products from companies like Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Samsung, and similar Big Tech; allowing partial touch only in extreme cases like counter-fighting-against-them cases. These companies are like greedy monsters, cannibals, too big and messed up, with the wrong ideas and values. Capitalism (at huge scales) itself is a trouble already. Be free from those chains – use and learn open source (and open hardware) systems, boycott and protest against big corporations, say no to techno-feudalism and cyber-slavery.

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  • Not restrict bad but let good come over

    Moving “In Reverse” is weakly effective, I’m talking about prohibitions, restrictions and such. It’s better to substitute with the superior, don’t restrict bad but replace it with good, give ways.

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  • Drowning…

    Avoid drowning in the daily stream of social networks and news. Today’s mass media and most journanists or celebrities’ approach of kill-but-get-profit-or-promotion is a headache.
    A once a week or so run through the main signal sources is enough. Analyze seriousl, fearlessly, openly.

    Less is better. Real information, no buzz.

    Know what is signal and what is noise; distinguish the beneficiaries of intervention from the essential, the real from the copying, the profit-seekers from the truth-tellers.

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  • Vacuum Decay

    You can be right, or you can have a peace

    How fast time actually flies



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  • Metaphor of the Train and Wagons, or Chain

    A person’s physical strength or trickery does not determine his value to the whole… First and foremost, consider intelligence as the most crucial factor, and prioritize its development. While powerful and sharp teeth may define the excellence of a shark or tiger, for humans, a sharp and intelligent mind, along with high reasoning, fearlessness, and a strong will for quality, determine true greatness.

    Who is smart and leads by nature not by circumstances leads our train nicely… It’s a disaster if middle or backward elements rise to lead by false values, all those “the boss boots leaking promotion” crap head small mind politics and managers like putin/gaddafi/hitler/any other dictator etc, which rise to power not by their real noble; or “profits” focused modern big tech corporations and their fragile making “top managers” as an example.

    Those who are simpler or more specialized, just follow the reality they’ve got. It happens that those who are completely backward or bad developed, unlucky or lazy are dragged far behind – they usually do all kinds of stupid work just to live or even dragging out their (sad but lost) meaningless existence. If everyone were of the best or focused on proper values, i.e. smart and advanced, there would be no stupid work and meaningless existence left.

    Sometimes something bad comes to power or leadership positions, rooted around the end of the line or the middle – all kinds of small minds, then the whole line stretches back, in a wrong direction… especially bad in the capitalist and post-capitalist, techno-feudal & tech-fascist era – “money money money” and not “human human human” – the one we live in today.

    We cannot all be perfect, but we should be careful about our leaders, we can interact in the process of their selection and positioning, even in a dictatorship you can still protest and sabotage. Always be ready to die. A good death is better than a bad life. But watch your step, a stupid death is much worse than a smart survival – just about the perspective.

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  • Sometimes losing and making mistakes is totally normal and acceptable

    It’s okay to lose sometimes and all that. Making mistakes is also normal. I’ve seen many people “marry their beliefs” and stubbornly stick to their foolishness until the end…

    Those who can laugh at the fact that you are wrong, or even if you invested in foolishness – don’t mind, forget about all that, the main thing is to draw conclusions, acknowledge the truth, and move on. For a person (even for systems sometimes), making mistakes and losing is a normal process of maturing and testing.
    And let’s not forget that fate is unknown, and destiny and chance are everywhere.

    I admit that I may be wrong, hence I don’t lose focus of the truth.

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  • On tastes in music

    Music is subjective. What you may like, others may not. There is simply no bad music except that which is made without inspiration (for commercial gain or the pseudo-values of celebrity vanity) or without professionalism and a focus on high quality (even amateur creations are better when crafted with real originality, balanced mixes, and good quality instruments)
    I do not respect the heated streams of criticism from people who shout at others, claiming that they “do not understand true taste” and the like, allowing themselves to use rude and violating words. It’s all inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. Let it be… Art is subjective. Let everyone have their own taste in art, as long as it’s honest and doesn’t harm others. Diversity is beautiful; we are all complex.

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  • Space of the Contemporary

    The span of modern and contemporary for me is a period of 30 years or so, the beginning of a new era of the internet at least – if not of electronics in general… not the last five or three years. I prefer to see that wider. If you focus on the last or very recent 3-5 years, you can fall into the trap of false hypes and artificially imposed ideals, to take the breadth of modernity a little deeper gives you a filter and more detailed sense of trends and what’s going on.

    Picture: nicolassassoon.com/ALONEINTHESEA.html
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  • Big Tech disrupts quality and balance of the market

    In past there used to be nothing like what we have today in the digital era – like, if it’s videos, then only watch on YouTube, or if it’s apps, then only from the Apple (or something similar) store.

    This is a wrong approach and it is a reality that corporations intentionally shaped in the perception of people, using popular tricks like pseudo-security and psychological pressure – in other words, monopoly and fraud.

    I remember those times, minimum about eight-five years ago, when we used to visit websites to watch videos, and developers provided apps on their own websites. Now it’s aggressively monopolized. Meanwhile stores and platforms themself are full of junk, spam and scam. Obviously, they don’t mind quality or user-experience, they care about direct & fast money-profits only. They absorbed and monopolized the market. This is bad.

    That’s why I avoid everything from big huge companies, just because it’s all about bad quality after some short period of their growth… not respecting people, not respecting the environment and nature, greedy killing everything for the money… in my daily life I don’t use anything made by Big Tech (expect their criminal monopolization of our social needs because today I have to work with people on platforms like YouTube to promote them better ideas), meanwhile I still keep all my stuff and daily life away from them, even the videos to be kept on my own website and look forward to cut this last tie as soon as possible too.

    Just like we see an imbalance in the food chain in nature, where, for example, if a certain type otter gone extinct, sea urchins overgrow from that, then underwater forests perish, and without forests, the balance of carbon dioxide is disrupted, whole system to be seriously damaged then…The economy should be free from monopoly growths and those greedy monsters mega-corporations; they harm themselves and others.

    New reality, this digital world, it’s on a early stage and still not balanced by us, time to take action and responsibility already; at least you can boycott – there are plenty of good alternatives like open source world.

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  • Places like twitter or russia

    I often get questions like why I don’t use Twitter for my short texts. Answer is simple: it’s a poor-quality platform and a waste of time. If I’m not directly involved in a war (tho always ready if you touch my space…), I avoid visiting places poisoned by the weak, and Twitter feels like one…


  • An announce

    I’ve completed several new albums, and they’re just waiting for me to finalize the artwork, upload the tracks, and do the final trimming. Here’s a brief overview: I hope to find enough time in the coming weeks and months to release all of these. In the past, I didn’t have such a queue of unreleased…


  • 🎉Anniversary compilations of the best tracks now available ✨

    Finally, after many months of preparation, I’ve released three monumental albums/compilations of the best tracks I’ve ever made, in the three main spectrums of music: high-tempo, low-tempo, and no-tempo. Initially the album names and covers included the years 2010-2023, but then I changed my mind and decided to let these albums be “live-periodically-updated”, so I’ll…


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