Assorted Musings
Life is not a random phenomenon or magic. It is just the very essence of complication and selection of (chemical and physical) dynamic processes, any chemical reaction develops complication and selection among others (the most efficient processes get more space and energy, gradually the process of organization of reactions takes place). Far more questionable in…
Habits, simplicity
Habits and understanding of their mechanics, mechanisms of routines, flows and time-stretching processes is one the most important thing of all regarding quality of our life, happiness, balance and productivity. You can manage yourself to 95% anything You can accustom or wean yourself to anything with a series of attempts – if you have the…
Pareto Principle, 80/20, entropy, quality
As in a society where there are few intelligent hardworking people and many lazy fools, so in the world as a whole, for example, even in countries – there are few good, free and efficient systems, but a lot of poisonous tyranny and lawlessness, degradation, foulness. [Not only today’s crap evil circle of Russia, China,…
Cognition and experience
They say that the purest knowledge is empirical, that is, based on direct experience. But experience can be deceitful, e.g. optical illusions or logical experiments of dual interpretation. After all, understanding is the primary of the mind and of it’s director: the reason. A simple experiment: imagine the smartest man, the best mind system in…
Culture, information, entertainment, style
Don’t underestimate highest importance of culture and entertainment, as it is said – “bread and circuses”, 50/50, but actually it’s about 30/70 bread/circuses. Not for nothing even monkeys have a lot of leisure – in the world and in nature in general it is not common to work yourself to zero, leisure is immanent and…
Finally I found time to prepare and release the new long-waited DAS album I’ve been planning in my head for over 4 years or so… this is the real sound of DAS – very experimental. It consists of tracks made at very different times, some just recently, some a couple years old demos. DAS by…
Values determine motion
A man’s set of values determine his motif morality and motivational attitude, motion. For example, why do some people today serve foolish mole dictators worthy only of scorn? They are philosophically lost, do not understand values above primitive ones – they only want to fill their bellies, supposedly financially secure, not to take risks, to…
Silence is golden
The brain is not perfect – it is only “one of the early versions” of the mother nature’s self-empowered calculation-reflection machines. Huge, gigantic time segments of the cosmos, on which quantitative and qualitative changes take place, are extremely distant to us in terms of sensations. The reason is not perfect either – though when it…
Degrees of freedom
Freedom is a necessity for society, and in any case it will come to this because the best, intelligent people will not be intimidated anyway, they will still act in their own way, within the categorical imperative of the mind in the pursuit of the highest quality and development of life… and who drives progress…
Society as a whole
Society is a whole entity, like a tree or a living organism… blind Darwinism applied to such a structure is blatant ignorance. Man is a variable being. Fortune and chance, unpredictability and randomness play too big a role. People who are pompous, egotistical, arrogant, superior, biting others, deceiving their own brothers, swaggering and lavish –…
War is dead
War is dead. With the invention of nuclear weapons, war is no longer possible. The highest value on earth is human life… It is indeed the most complex, beautiful and valuable of all things. The stage of bloodshed has been passed and should be, we are somewhere on the verge… The war is dead. But…
Aesthetic nature of destruction and order
Is the idea of destruction attractive? Yes, just like order… all this seems to be a part or a general composite model of something general and whole. What happens when we feel, express “attractive” – the inner self reflects the outer and is energized, the cognition forms itself then Reception of destruction, of order… sometimes…
Creation, contemplation, consumerism, possession
True happiness is not about having things, but about making things. Wanting to have a lot usually comes from feeling like you’re missing out on something. Being overly focused on having things can make you bitter. Creation surpasses possession because it, to a certain extent, encompasses everything – including possession – as a result. Absolute…
The phenomenon of a sharp quantitative-qualitative transition
The phenomenon of sharp quantitative-qualitative transition is what I favor. The transition of the Higgs boson into electromagnetism, sudden crystallization, the critical points in economics, revolutions… It gives birth to the new. Pure experimenting – what does it bring? The very transition of the start of the universe… Or when you are born, when you…